I place a tidy house often as more important then spending time with my kids. "Mom, will you come play a game with me?" "Not right now, I have to wash the dishes." On the other hand, you need to clean. Your house would be disgusting if you didn't. Then there are the days that my house looks like a hurricane went through it, and I just don't feel like picking it up (and those are always the days that someone unexpectedly drops in) Ughh. I need to find a happy medium.
Day 2: My Martha challenge was to clean out my fridge and freezer. My fridge wasn't terrible. My mom taught me to always do a wipe down before you put the new groceries in. There wast just a few crevices that needed a good scrubbing.

My freezer on the other hand, was gross. I don't use it all that much. We have a small freezer (and now a giant freezer that was just given to us for free!) in our garage where we store all of our meat. I don't think I have cleaned in at all in the past two years. Gross, hey?

I haven't blogged for a couple of days. We have had Gabe home, and it has been really nice. We spent the entire weekend with good friends, and we feel really blessed to have such an amazing family to call our friends. Gabe and I have never had another couple where he likes the man and I like the woman so much. Usually one of us is good friends with one of people, and their spouse is more like an acquaintance to the other one of us. Make sense?
Mr A is teaching his little brother all kinds of things. Their newest thing they do together is A will tell E to praise Jesus, and this is what they do. Such sweet little monkeys.

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