So I have missed two days in a row on my Have a Clean House in 31 days challenge, but I have an excuse...sort of. Gabe's brother and his wife along with their two sweet boys came for a visit yesterday. I spent the majority of the day tidying things up and getting beds made all the while chatting on the phone with my sister. Our company arrived for supper, then boys to bed, a short visit, and then off to bed. An early morning (their boys wake at 6 AM, wayyy to early for this mamma who's babes rise at 9 AM.) After breakfast, they were on their way. A super short visit, but I am left feeling exhausted. I had a rough night with Mr E. and then a early morning. So, I did what seemed like the best idea for a tired, cranky momma. I stayed in my pajamas, made a big pot of coffee, and spent the day outside just resting my body on the ground as the boys played. We made 'er through the day, but my head will not stop pounding. A few pictures from our day.

Little E has discovered the well worn path through the trees between us and our neighbor's house. We have this sweet old couple that live behind us that always have cookies for our boys. Whenever we go for a walk, A always asks at some point to stop at their house for a cookie. This year, A spends a lot of time outside on his own, and we have learned that he pops over often for a cookie, and then comes back to our yard. Now E tries to make his way over their on his own.

I know A may look angry in the next picture, but trust me, he isn't. This is his dinosaur pose and his dinosaur face. We get a dinosaur boy in our house many times a day.

I had been telling A about how tomorrow is Mother's Day and how it is a day to show our mom how much we love the them. I found some dandelions in our yard (yay) and as soon as A saw them, he ran and picked two and told me he had some beautiful flowers for me for mother's day.

And whatever big brother does...

Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there!
Sorry for the pounding head, sweet sister.
ReplyDelete"I guess someone's lonely."
Yes. It's me.
Love you.
Happy Mother's Day.