Yep, you read that right. No 'poo. But not what you think. I am going back to no shampoo again. I did this when I just had Andrew, but Gabe complained that at the ends of my hair, I smelled like a stinky dog. Nice, hey? :) I figured now since my hair is shorter, I would give it a go again. Oh, and I am going to go 'no poo with the boys for a while. I am just not telling Gabe.
The number of chemicals in shampoo and other bath and body products is scary. Whatever gets put on your skin gets absorbed into your body, into your bloodstream and into your organs. Don't believe me? Rub some garlic on your feet. Within a half hour, you will have garlic breath. Try it!
For my hair, I start with washing every second day, first by scrubbing my scalp with a baking soda/water combination and then after I rinse that out, I pour on a vinegar/water combination. My hair looks clean and has no smell. With the boys, I am not doing anything. It has been 4 days since they have had their hair shampooed, and they still look like they have nice, clean heads of hair.
So, that's where I am at right now. I do kind of miss the lathering and yummy smelling shampoo, though.
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