I found this book a while ago, Raising Real Men: Surviving, Teaching and Appreciating Boys.
I ordered a copy and I am just waiting for it. I am so excited. It is by a couple who have 6 sons and 2 daughters. I read the first two chapters on google books free preview and I LOVED them. When I get the book and start reading it, I will definitely be posting about it.
Gabe and I are pretty much sitting at 99% sure that we will be home schooling our boys. The only thing that is holding me back is how social my little A is. He makes friends everywhere he goes, and every.single.day he asks me "where are we going? can we go visit someone?" He asks me to stop at every house while driving so we can go in for a visit. He LOVES people. I am coming to realize that he could still have a full social life and be home schooled, just not with kids his own age. That might be okay. He is a sponge and soaks up everything, negative or positive. We don't allow the use of the word "stupid" in our house, but we hear it everywhere we go. It's not that stupid will always be a word we don't use, it is just for now, I am not a huge fan of my 4 year old using the word. He points out every time he hears someone else use the word, and for the next couple of days, will try throwing it in anywhere he can in conversation, just to see what I will do. He loves getting a reaction. He always has. Now it isn't just because we don't allow the word "stupid" that we are thinking of home schooling.
A is busy, very busy. He is very intelligent and is easily bored. He is so enthusiastic, the most enthusiastic person I know. I don't want this part of him squashed. He would be 1 of 5 boys in a class of 26. I have worked in classrooms of mostly female students. The boys are treated like freaks. For real. I have seen it so many times. I love my child more then the teacher does, so why would they be more equipped to teach him? How are they more concerned for his welfare then I am? I could list more and more reasons. It just feels like everything is pointing us in this direction. We are praying A LOT about this, because we do feel it is a huge decision. I would much rather be out on an acreage or in a bigger center where more people home schooled, because I am sure we will get a lot of criticism in our small town where all the other children are in school. If you read this, please pray for guidance for us. Wisdom to do what is best for our boys, and for me, confidence to stand for my decision.
I have heard my sister quote Mary Oliver, "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" I hear this in my head often, but slightly different. "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with you child's wild and precious life?"
Teach 'em at home, just as you've always done. Once I get whatever's going onwith my health straight, I am *this* close to homeschooling my own children. I think.