What a day!
Seriously, today was a pretty crazy day in our house. It started off pretty nice. We woke up, had a quick breakfast and headed out to story time at our local library, just like we do every Monday morning. Story time was nice and there are a lot of puddles between our house and the library!
Anyways, we got home, and I decided to tackle the laundry that seemed to build up so quickly while I was sick. I was putting away the first load and I heard a bang, breaking glass, and E scream all at once. My stomach dropped. I went running and there was E, sitting amidst a broken toaster plate and a broken glass. And there was blood. I picked up E, praying out loud that everything was okay. My panic-y voice was making A panic. I washed off E's hand (that was where the blood was coming from, and I could see quite a big gash on his finger. I talked calmly to A, reassuring him that it was okay and to help mommy get the band aids. He got his Disney Car's band aids, and started digging through for which one he wanted. I got angry with him, because he was leafing through them so carefully and I needed one NOW! E was bleeding so badly that every time I would bring the bandage close to his finger, the whole thing would be covered in blood and wouldn't stick. Two facecloth's and three band aids later, I finally got one on the big cut. I looked at his hand and found 5 more cuts. Ughh. 5 more band aids. E didn't like them on, so he would bite them off. Ughh. I used packing tape to keep the band aid on the worst cut.
I thought he might need stitches. I called Gabe, who was an hour away. I called my mom who came over. We took of the band aid, it was still bleeding but not so bad anymore. We both decided it looked okay. Thank you, God!
Now, I was praying often for my boy's obedience. Wouldn't you know it, A was so disobedient today. He was driving me up the wall! Laying here now, thinking about it, his disobedience was a way God was reminding me to pray.
Now little E, today he has become the busy body of the family. Those of you who know A, know that he is a very busy boy. E was like a mini A today. He was pushing chairs up to everything and wreaking havoc wherever he went. Countless times in the toilet, with or without the plunger, dumping cereal all over the floor, eating the markers, throwing stuff on the ground.
I felt pretty crazy today with my busy-bodied little one and my missing-ears big one. But momma said there'd be days like these....
Day 2 (Submission to Authority)
Another quote from
All of their lives, our sons will find themselves needing to submit to someone. From parents, to teachers, to bosses, to government officials, and even to God Himself, they will always have someone in a position of authority over them.
Thought: When was the last time you told your son you were proud of a choice he made to submit to authority. Even when they’re little, our boys need to know that mama sees and rejoices over their wise choices and cries out to God over their foolish ones. Today, make a point to lavish love and praise on your son when he chooses wisely..even in the small things.
“But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.” ~Acts 5:2I am not sure how much I will be popping in here during the next three days because my hubby is on days off. Woo-hoo. And we're going on a date! Yay! Good night.